Thursday, February 18, 2010

2 weeks.

Sometimes I wish my best friend didn't live three hours from me.
I want to talk wedding and boys with her.
I want to play with her dog.
I want to sit for an hour and a half just to straighten her hair.
I want to drive around town eating ice cream and talking.
I miss her greatly.

I get to see her in 2 weeks though. Haven't seen her since Christmas. I can not wait!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


1st run = 46.8/50
2nd run = 48.4/50

New Albums

I want:

Local Natives - Gorilla Manor
Field Music - Field Music
Adam Green - Minor Love
Shearwater - The Golden Archipelago

Thursday, February 11, 2010

For Real?

I am making an entire new post for this.

Blogspot video works for about 45 minutes then stops.
What the fuck?
For real?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Through the Years

I was bored and this was the result.

Music=Bright Eyes: Easy/Lucky/Free

Monday, February 8, 2010

We were the kids.

It is 2006 and we are standing inside four walls that we called home almost every weekend. We were the Newton kids that dominated The House of Bricks. Kids knew to move out of the way when we made our way to the stage. We were the kids smoking our cigarettes as if we were the coolest people to ever walk the Earth. We were the kids that tried to meet every band after their sets. We were the kids that used quarters from our 'cigarette and booze' fund to pay for t-shirts to help support our favorite bands. We were the kids that knew all the words to every song to every band we ever went to watch. We were the scene before scene became a hideous way of dressing.

It is 2006 and we are the kids that think we are unstoppable. We are the kids that would pull into the park and drink a few beers. We would never get caught, it couldn't happen to us, and it never did. We were the kids that got drunk and made out with each other. Best friends for life, or at least a year and a half. We were the kids that where ever one was, the rest of us were soon to follow suit. We were the kids at school that people didn't know what to think of. We were friendly but no one gave us the time of the day because we were the kids who didn't go out for sports.

It is 2006 and we were the kids that didn't let a little bit of trouble keep us separated. We were the kids whose parents told us to stop hanging out with each other because we were all bad news. We were the kids who knew our friendship was more important. We were the kids who never judged. We were the kids who had friendships that many people wish they had. We were the kids who said shit about each other, to their faces, not behind their backs. We were the kids who wanted to live forever, doing just what we were doing.

It is 2010 and most of us are no longer what we were. A few are still in the same place as we were four amazingly long years ago. Then, there are the few who moved on with their lives. There are also the few who can't seem to get their life together. We are the kids that have became acquaintances with a polite 'Hello' if seen in the same public place. We are the kids who talk shit about each other behind their backs. We are the kids we hated.

We are the kids that let life get in the way of great friendships.

Feb. 8, 2010

Sometimes I feel as if I do not know you anymore. Others have taken my place in your life, or so it seems. There are days I feel as if I should try to change it or bring it up. Then there are the days that I want to wait to see if you realize it. I don't think you will though. It is okay though, I am used to it.

Thanks a lot Lauren.

I should be doing more productive things with my life rather then this.

Do you think you are pregnant?
I sure hope I'm not.

If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose?
Autumn, for sure.

You have to get a piercing, what do you get?
Something on my ear probably. I am done with facial piercings.

You have to get a tattoo, where and what do you get?
I would get a really cool middle upper back piece.

What are you wearing?
Jeans, tank top, sweatshirt.

Do you miss anyone?
That I do.

When is the last time someone of the opposite sex gave you a hug?

Plans for tomorrow?

Is anything wrong?

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
I have a very good one.

Are your friends taller than you?
JD and Erin. I am very tall.

What were you doing this morning at 5:30?

Do you like the ocean?
Very much so.

Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
I love both.

How many windows are open on your computer?
One window, three tabs.

Texted who last?

Was the first person you talked to today male or female?
Female, my mom.

What woke you up this morning?
Jordain showering.

Do you know anyone named Matt?
I know too many people named Matt.

When was the last time you talked to a sibling?
Oh boy, probably a good two or three weeks ago.

Is your hair curly or straight?
Today it is straight.

What are you doing today?
I am going to do some homework and thats about it.

What jewelery are you currently wearing?
My rings and all my piercings.

Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
That I could, and plan on doing.

Have you ever in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust?
Too many times to count.

How late did you stay up last night and why?

Who is in your inbox?
People can't be in my inbox.

Are you picky about who you give your number to?
I am these days, not so much in the past.

What do you prefer: McDonalds or Burger King?
Neither, they both make me want to throw up just thinking about them.

Would you rather go to Greece or Hawaii?

Did you have a good birthday this year?
It was decent. Rachel and I had some fun.

How old is the last person you kissed on the lips?

What color shirt were you wearing when you had your last kiss?
Uh, a grey sweatshirt.

Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now?
Kind of. Any of my friends would be cool.

Who was the last person you had a face to face conversation with?
Jordain and Sam.

What's under your bed?
Slippers and a backpack.

Did you sleep with anything last night?
My blanket, stuffed Arthur, pillows and all the books on the side of my bed that I dont sleep on.

Are you wearing short shorts?

Do you like messages or comments better?
Wow, this is a myspace survey, isn't it?

What are you drinking?
The only thing I ever drink, Water.

Did anything dramatic go down yesterday?
I almost died, seriously. is that dramatic enough for you?

Are you afraid to stay home all alone?
Nope, I actually enjoy it.

Does the person you like, like you back?
That he does.

Did you kiss or hug anyone in the last 48 hours?

Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
Nope, 8 am class.

Did you sleep alone last night?
Yes I did.

What color is your shirt?
Didn't we already go over this?

Are you sitting or standing?
Neither, I am lying.

Are you keeping a secret from anyone?
We all have secrets.

Do you have clothes in your closet that are not yours?

Have you ever been called babe, baby or honey?
Yes, sir.

What are you thinking about?
How I wish there was no snow.
That I could see my best friends.
How I do not want to read the book I have to read.

What's something you cannot wait for?

Have you kissed someone with braces?

You find out your ex is having a kid with someone you don't like you say?
I really could care less about my ex, so therefore I wouldn't say anything.

Have you ever had a surprise birthday party?

Do you sing in the car?
All the tie.

Could you last in a relationship for over a year?
I sure hope so.

Do you have any tattoos?
Only two.

When is the last time you had pizza?
Uh, the last time JD was here probably.

Were you single on your last birthday?
That I was.

When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?
Off, thanks.

Do you swallow gum when your finished?
I have a fear of choking, so no.

Do you a have any candles in your room?
Yeah, three. Even though they are prohibited.

Are you wearing something that someone gave you?
My grandma bought my the sweatshirt. Otherwise I bought everything.

Did you have a good day today?
Eh, it was alright.

Have you kissed the last person you texted?
Yep yep.

Who is one female besides family that knows everything about you?
Kenzie knows almost everything.

Have you ever let someone be your everything?
I always let other people be my everything, that is why I get screwed over so often.

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I am sure someone is.