Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Everyone knows my undying love for Leo.  I can not believe it took me this long to go watch Inception.
Not sure if I want to go to sleep after just watching this.  Kind of felt like I was on drugs after watching it.
It was a great movie, don't get me wrong.  But damn, talk about messing with one's mind.

In the words of JMo, Can't Leonardo DiCaprio make a movie with a real ending?

Monday, September 27, 2010


I kind of have a huge crush on Michael Franti.
This song has been on repeat since his album came out last week.
Such a great message.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why You So Obsessed With Me?

Oh thats right, because you're jealous.
I would be too if I didn't have amazing friends.
Great times.
And an amazing mom and second mom.
But, I have all those.
I am one happy and lucky girl.

Photos by Lauren, Missy and my Momma.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Friday, September 10, 2010

Oh facebook...

Usually you seem to know everything about my life somehow.  You always are putting adds on my homepage that have to do with my life.  But when it comes to who I need to "reach out" to, you're not so smart.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My favorite man.

My grandpa was really good looking.  He looked like a movie star.  I keep this picture in my room knowing that he is always looking over me and protecting me no matter what I am going through.

I was his blondie and he was my best friend.  I used to get him his glasses, give him 'slobbery' kisses, steal his jelly bellys and help him pick up prunes that fell from the tree.  He would unplug the phone in his office so L and I could play Saved By The Bell and fake call Zach Morris.  He used to tell us kids that he was going to "Take us back to the Indians"  One time, Lauren and I really wanted to watch a Mary-Kate and Ashley movie so he went to the movie store and got us one, when he got home it didn't work so he drove back to the video store and got us another one.  We used to listen to Frank Sinatra and he would sing every word.  When I would spend the night, I wouldn't be able to go to bed without a huge hug from him.  I had this nail polish from Victoria's Secret once, it was called Waterfall, I was so excited to show him the new color.  He was working on the clock hanging on the wall by the guest room and he told me "I hope I never drink water that color, but it's very pretty."  I giggled and ran away.  He never had a favorite grandchild, but made each of us feel like we were his favorite.  I could sit on his lap for hours watching tv or reading with him.  Too this day, I can remember his smell.  Once in awhile an old man will pass me on the street and I will smell his cologne.  In an instant I am taken back to all these memories and many more.  

 I miss him dearly.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pre night class boredom.

amazingly new questions, you down?
So down.

the last person you kissed ever give you a hickey?
Nope.  Hickies are for skanks.

did you hold hands with someone of the opposite sex today?

more attractive: kisses out of nowhere, or when you know?
Out of nowhere.  They are more special that way.

when you hold hands do you interlock fingers?

when is the next time you will hang out with someone on your top friends?
What is this myspace?  Umm right now.  My roommate is here.

is there someone you’d like to hang out with and just talk?
My best friend, I need her here right now.

first person to speak to you in 2010?
Someone who shall be unnamed.

who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater?
Probably Lauren.

have you told anybody you loved them today and meant it?

are you wearing anything that doesn’t belong to you?
Everything is actually mine today.

what woke you up this morning?
A door being shut

what was the last drink you had?

did anything annoy you today?
Annoy isn't the correct word.

what were you doing this morning at 8?
My bed.

have you ever had stitches?
Just on my gums when I had teeth removed.

do you believe ex’s can be friends?
I'm friends with one ex.  Otherwise no, someone always gets hurt.

do you remember who you liked /loved on new years?

what is on your mind?
How the fuck can someone lie to you so much and feel okay about doing so?

do you think things will change in the next few months?
Yes, today was the start of a new me.

were you single on your last birthday?
Yes I was.

is there a person from the past that you would like to talk to?
Does my grandpa count?

do you think anyone has feelings for you?
There is one.  The others just lie about it.

do you regret letting someone walk out of your life?
Ha, don't ask me that today.

if you could get a new cell phone right now, which would you choose? 
They all suck in some way or another.

do you care if people hate you?
Not really.

favorite memory of the day?
Singing Adam Lambert in the shower this morning.

last person you kissed, have you had sex with them?

do you love the last boy/girl you were talking to?
Of course I love my daddy!!

who is someone that can always make you feel better?
Lauren, mom, Rachel.

what is your relationship status?
Not single but not completely taken.

who was the last person to come to your house?
Probably Mike.

look behind you, what do you see?
A wall.

what did you eat for lunch today?
I haven't ate today.  Yeah, I know its 4:30 pm.

the last song you heard?
Take the Fall by Brendan James.

does anyone know your myspace password?
I don't think I even know it anymore.

how late did you stay up last night and why?
11, becaue thats when I went to sleep.
last person to give you a hug?
My mom.

if you had to choose, a million dollars or to be able to change a regret?
A million bucks I suppose.

how long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning?
Two seconds.

was the first person you talked to today male or female?

have you ever kissed anybody who’s name starts with an a,b,d,j,c,k,m, t?
A. D, J, M, and T.  

what do you think of people who have sex before marriage?
Its a  personal choice.  In my opinion you should care about the person you have sex with, but that isn't always the case.  So whatever, who am I to judge?

have you ever met someone who turned out to be amazing?

do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
I could never hate my daddy.

what were you doing at 2am last night?
Tossing and turning.

is the last person you kissed mad at you?

is there someone who you can spend every minute with and be happy?
There are a few special people.

do you like to cuddle?
Oh love it.

what do you currently hear at the moment?
The Bridges

have you ever cried during a movie?
I cry at everything, even if its not sad.

how many piercings have you had in your life?
8 but I only have 7 now.

do you use hearts like this < 3 
Nope.  I used it once in a blog.  otherwise i stay away from using things like that.

who else is in the room with you?


This song has been on repeat since 11:30 this morning. Two straight hours so far.
I'll be alright. I know I will. It will take awhile to realize this. I just have to remember I'm not alone.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Adam Lambert.

Not the greatest pictures due to my camera sucking, but oh my goodness.  The way this boy moves.  Wow.  Thats all I have to say.  He is purely amazing beyond belief. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I wish it came easier for me.  Advil and Tylenol PM do nothing for me.
Insomnia is a bitch.

Will I?

Every single word that comes out of your mouth is a lie.  I'm so sick of it.  I let my heart go back to thinking you were the one.

When did I become so naive with things in life?  As I sit here writing this, I am giving a friend relationship advice.  I seem to be able to give good advice but can never follow it myself.  I wish someone would slap some sense into me.  I need to be shook and screamed at.  I need a huge ass wake-up call.  I thought I got one this summer, but I guess it wasn't big enough.  When will I learn?  Will I learn?