Thursday, April 3, 2008

Just a few rants.

So bear with me, I am going to be ranting about certain topics that just need to be ranted about.

1. Weather. It is April, usually in Iowa, April means green grass, sunny days, Flowers, blue skies and bunny rabbits hopping around. Instead we have freaking snow. Come on, spring break for most of us was three weeks ago. Spring break for most of us means spring, not winter. We are going to have fucking snow in June. It is ridiculous. This is why I want to live somewhere warm that either never sees snow or sees snow once every ten years. I don't really want anything more right now then warm weather.

2. Annoying show goers. I know I have written a huge rant about this before, but it is something that bugs me. People who go to shows to just say they have been and to meet "famous" people. They are just normal people doing what they love to do and making money for it. These type of people ruin the experience for us who are there for the actual music. I mean there are some people out there who know every name to every band member of every poppy catchy band on the planet. Now, its cool if you want to be obsessed over the music, but the band members, it just gets creepy there. Honestly, I know about one member out of my favorite band. I don't care what their names are or who they have dated or what shirt they wear for good luck. As long as they make noise that gets me through life, I am satisfied. Just remember kiddies: Music is a passion, not a fashion.

3. Obsessive girlfriends. Girls, really, you don't need to know your dudes password to myspace. You don't need to know everything little thing he is saying to other girls. If he is with you, there has got to be something between you two, so just chill. So he may email other girls, there is no harm in that. As long as he is not saying "lets fuck again because last night was awesome", it will be okay for him to talk to girls. Seriously, having friends is okay. It is how a lot of people get through life. Also, don't tell him who he can and can't hang out with, especially if they have been friends for years. Just don't. If you don't like the girls he hangs out with, get to know them, maybe they really aren't that bad. Not every girl is out to fuck your boyfriends. Trust me.

4. Time. This is something that not only makes me mad, but confuses the hell out of me. Have you ever just sat down and thought about time. Something you did a month ago can seem like years ago and something you did years ago seems like it happened yesterday. At times, I can't even remember what I had to eat for lunch but I can sure as hell remember specific details to a night from years before. Think about the past year, do you think it has flown by or gone slower then a turtle running a marathon? For me, a year has flown by yet I feel like I haven't accomplished anything because it has gone to fast to do so, yet I know I have accomplished so much.

5. Myspace. We are all addicted to it, there is no denying it. I'm not here to rant about what goes on on myspace, rather Tom. My god, I have never seen someone who is so incapable of keeping a site running smoothly for more then ten minutes. Every damn hour something is either under construction or there is an error. For real, I would like to get on the site for one day without a little update from Tom stating that something will be down for a bit while they try and fix it. When I first became a myspacer, there were never any problems. Now everything has to be so damn fancy with friend updates and whatever the hell else there is. Just stop, myspace doesn't need to be facebook. Just leave it alone Tom!!

6. Cops. Now, its not that I don't have respect for them because I do. I mean my uncle is one. There are some cops however who are just out there to piss off as many people as possible and be nit picky on every little thing. Example: Wednesday I was on the way to Brad's house to drop him off when I get pulled over. Now it wasn't for speeding because i was following a truck going 15 mph, it wasn't for not wearing a seat belt cause Brad and I both had them on. It was because my break light was out in the back. Now you think, well duh that's a good reason right? Yeah, well I get home and my break light has three different lights in it. Only ONE was out. it wasn't even the blinker light so you could tell I was turning and braking. For Christs sakes, go get the freaking idiots out there who sell drugs or rape people instead of pulling someone over for ONE break light bulb out.

7. Gas prices. Shit. Do I need to say more?

8. Chubby girls who wear tight clothes. Okay, now this may sound mean, but its just the truth. Don't buy clothes that don't fit you properly. No one, and I mean no one really wants to see your stomach peeking out from underneath that tiny tshirt that wouldn't even fit the four year old girl I babysit. Lets be honest with yourself. Do you really think it looks good and do you really feel comfortable when wearing it? I am skinny and I feel funny when I show just a bit of my stomach. I just don't get it. Chubby girls everywhere wear to small of shirts. Its quite sad because they could all be really pretty if they would just wear clothing items that cover things up.

9. Toothpaste. It has the grossest aftertaste in the entire world. It doesn't go away very fast either. It is supposed to make your breath smell good, but as bad as it tastes, sometimes I wonder.

10. Girls who want to grow up so fast. Girls like this are insane. They use words that most forty year olds don't know the meaning too and speak as if they are the most proper people to walk this earth. They tend to look down upon every idea someone their own age thinks is a good idea. I think I would give anything to go back to being sixteen years old. The teenage years fly by way to fast. I didn't want to grow up nor do I still. These girls, they will regret it. They will have to. They will look back on their teenage years and ask them selves why they wanted to grow up so fast. Being a kid and teenager is supposed to be fun, there is plenty of time to be grown up later on in life.

1 comment:

Lauren. said...

And this, this, this is why I adore you.