Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fun Facts in Numbers.

One day ago was a day of numbers.

Dad turned 52.
Filled my car for $45.
Drove over 60 miles.
Spent 1 hour in my car driving.
It was 1 year since I was on the cruise.
I got 2 questions wrong on a Marriage test (I'm ready for marriage I am told HA).
I had 4 quizzes.
I had 4 classes.
I sang in front of 9 people, 3 times.
I passed 5 Ohio plates coming home from school.
I passed 7 Illinois plates on the way to school.
I passed 6 Illinois plates coming home from school.
I sent 5 texts messages to Philip while driving home.
I sent 1 text message to Lauren while driving home.
I saw 2 Newton kids in Ankeney.
I made 2 phone calls.
I listened to Copeland's Beneath Medicine Tree 2 times.
I received 3 phone calls from some number I didn't know.
Watched 5 of Mitchell Davis' youtube videos.
Dropped my car keys 2 times while walking to my car.
aaand more importantly it was...
Exactly 3 years since I had made some amazing friends, who I no longer ever see.

Neat huh?

1 comment:

Lauren. said...

No, not neat. Hahah.