Tuesday, May 12, 2009


1. It is officially day six of summer vacation.
I am already pissed off about my work situation.

2. From day one of summer vacation until day 21 of summer vacation, I will have had three days off work.
Two of those days have already passed.

3. Next week between both jobs, I work 48 hours.
That is more then what full time people work.
Not cool.

4.I am going to have no free time and the pay off will be crap.
I will save a ton of money and my plans will fall through.
I guess a U.S. Roadtrip will have to do next summer.

1 comment:

Lauren. said...

I LO9VE YOUOIAJSD;LKFJA;KLWJE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!