Friday, July 3, 2009

A wee bit slow.

Ha, I am so slow sometimes.
I have been a fan for a few years now and JUST last night realized who Blake Sennett is. He is not only in Rilo Kiley, but he was on Salute Your Shorts and Boy Meets World too. Duh, Sarah.

-Blake on the far right...-

Yep that is him...

Aaaand on Boy Meets World...


Lauren. said...

So, is that who Jenny dated since they were both childhood supastars? Hahaha.

Sarah said...

Ha, I don't know. I am guessing so.

Amanda said...

Jason said there is a former "couple" in Rilo and they always fight. And the other guy has a kid. What kind of supastar was Jenny? I'm kind of slow too.