Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's Tuesday once again

New music Tuesday on iTunes usually really excites me. I am kind of bummed this week though. I did not find too many items that really caught my attention. There was only one of the three free songs that I really liked. It is in Spanish, so I don't even know what he is singing about, but I like it.

Check it:
Declaration of Dependence by Kings of Convenience. It kind of makes me wish I was on a beach, like the album cover. The songs are soothing and meaningful.

One Fast Move or I'm Gone by Benjamin Gibbard & Jay Farrar. It kind of has a hint of country, but not enough to turn me off. I think I would really enjoy this album if it weren't 16.99.

New Moon Soundtrack. Sometimes I am ashamed that I like these books and films. However, they have killer soundtracks. No one can go wrong with artists like Lykke Li, Bon Iver, Thom York, or Sea Wolf. But again, it is 14.99, a little too expensive AND most the songs are album only. So, you pretty much have to buy the album to get the good ones.

Okay, so that is all that really excited me. Whoo-hoo, right? Yeah, I am disappointed too.

Biggest disappointment is the new released Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5 album. The songs on there are classics, however, DJs got their sticky little hands on the songs and ruined them with shitty beats and horrible dance clubness. I love MJ, and this just ruined his amazing work. the end.

However, there was a good part of iTunes this week. BEST part of iTunes this week, is Frank Sinatra. Everyone knows I love him with all my heart. He is I guess one of the feature artists. So if someone has $75.45 to give away, please feel free to buy me the complete set of Frank Sinatra Discoveries. You will be my best friend for the rest of my life. Plus, who wouldn't want to say they made me the happiest girl in the world?

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