Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Hard Facts.

I am taller then 5 foot 10 inches.
I have a few scars.
I have hair that does not grow.
I am pale and burn easily.
I have a two tattoos.
I have seven piercings.
I am self-conscious about my body.
I had braces.
I wear glasses when I am really tired.
I get freckles in the summer.
I have really pretty eyes.
I hate my natural hair color.
I wear the same things all the time.
I never go anywhere without at least some mascara on.
I think everyone is always looking at me, hence the self-consciousness.

Family/Home Life:
I have a mother who is one of my best friends.
I have a father.
I have a 24 year old brother.
I want children someday.
I want a husband someday.
I have never runaway.
I have never been kicked out.
I was grounded twice when I lived at home.
I never made curfew when it involved me going to Marshalltown or Pella.
I miss my house, but I am glad I am living on my own.
I want my own big house with stellar decor one day.

I have actually said 'lol' in a conversation.
I have said sayings such as "She lives in a house type thing" and "On dry land"
I have ripped my pants at work.
I snort once in awhile while laughing.
I once told Chris Brown (not the rapper) that he was "really hot".

I have an immune system disease.
I had strep throat half my 4th grade year.
I have broken my arm.
I have never had surgery.
I have had my wisdom teeth removed.
I have had chicken pox.
I have a huge fear of doctor needles.
I survived living in a house with someone who had H1N1 without getting it.
I am scared of hospitals, I stay away as much as possible.

I have been to California.
I have been to Colorado.
I have been to Tennessee.
I have been to Jamaica.
I have been to Grand Cayman.
I have been to Cozumel, Mexico.
I want to go to Africa.
I want to go to Australia.
I want to go to London.
I want to go to Sweden.
I want to go back to California.
I want to travel the world.
I love to drive on the interstate.
I love airplanes.

I have been on a cruise.
I have bought TOMS shoes and gave a child in need a pair of shoes.
I have gone to college.
I have been friends with people in a band.
I have met many bands.
I have met someone I met on the Internet, in person.
I have witnessed my grandfathers death.
I have had to call 911 for my father.
I watched my father almost die.
I have seen 2 shooting stars.
I have kissed in the rain.
I have danced in the rain.
I have met Conor Oberst.
I have peed in Conor Oberst's bathroom.
I have witnessed my brother become an All American in track and field.

I’m single.
I’m available.
I have been set up with someone.
I have been the dumper more than the dumpee.
I break hearts really well.
I get my heart broken a lot.
I miss a few someones right now.
I have a fear of abandonment.
I want someone to love me as much as I love them.
I have had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back.
I have been in love with someone I never even dated.
I keep memories of certain people really close to my heart.
I do not lie and will not put up with lying.

I prefer boys.
I adore boys with tattoos and who are jerks/hard to get.
I have had a crush on someone of the same gender.
I have kissed a member of the same gender.
I am a cuddler.
I like to hold hands.
I have kissed in the rain.
I have been kissed by a stranger.
I tend to kiss people the first night I meet them.
I have kissed a stranger.
I used to kiss my best guy friend.

I have done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t.
I have done something I promised myself I wouldn’t.
I have drank underage.
I have smoked underage.
I have lied to my parents about where I am.
I have cheated on a test.
I used to be really good friends with a criminal.
I have been pulled over once.
I have been in a vehicle that has been pulled over.

I have drank alcohol.
I have smoked a cigarette.
I have smoked pot.
I drink every Thursday night, religiously.
I have never done hard drugs.

I want to have a family.
I want to move out of Iowa.
I want to graduate with a Bachelors degree in Elementary Ed and Early Childhood.

I want to live in Omaha, California, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas etc. and a foreign country.
I want to teach in Africa.
I want to find myself.
I want to find him.
I want to travel the world.
I want to sit overlooking a city of lights and just watch.
I want to skydive.
I want to matter to someone.
I want to learn sign language.
I want to meet Adam Lambert.
I want to see Death Cab, Lady GaGa, Michael Buble and Hanson (again) before they or I die.

My albums MUST be in alphabetical order right to left NOT left to right
I have had a crush on Leonardo DiCaprio since I was 4 years old.
Frank Sinatra will always be one of my favorite singers.
I used to be in love with Adam Bolts of The Beat Strings.
If I am in the mood where I think the world might end, I listen to Panic! At the Discos first album.
I hate using the word concerts for shows, and cds for albums.
Math and Science are my worst subjects.
I am very independent in life.
TOMS shoes are my favorite matched with v-necks, a sweater and skinny jeans.
I hate forgiving people.
I do not tolerate a lot of people.
I always wanted to marry Michael Jackson.
I have strong feels about people and things, that will never change.
You just learned a lot about me, and also wasted a lot of time.
Thanks :)

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