Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People. (but don't say their name)
1. One of these days will be the day it happens. You will see what you've been missing.
2. I was lost for a few months without you. I'm glad you're back.
3. I am sorry for what has happened and what will happen.
4. Next year!!!
5. You'll never get your life together, for a certain girl in your life, I wish you would.
6. I never thought you would be first, but you are and I am super happy.
7. Thank you for everything.
8. I miss you.
9. You annoy the fuck out of me.
10. I am super proud of you.
Nine things about myself:
1. i love to travel.
2. i don't forgive easily.
3. i love my punk rock music.
4. i like driving around listening to music
5. i sleep with a stuffed animal.
6. i hate talking on the phone.
7. i have huge dreams.
8. i want to live in a big city.
9. i love that I am 21.
Eight ways to win my heart.
1. Good taste in music
2. Respect
3. Good Laugh.
4. Love me for who I am.
5. Love to travel.
6. Will tell me how it is.
7. Is intelligent and reads books.
8. Go on walks with me.
Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
1. What is wrong with me?
2. What is wrong with him?
3. Summer travels.
4. I need a job.
5. I need out of this state.
6. Africa.
7. Ugggghhhh
Six things I do before I fall asleep
1. Plug in my phone.
2. Brush the teeeeeth.
3. Drink water.
4. Put on chap stick.
5. Listen to music.
6. Check facebook.
Five people who mean a lot. (in no order whatsoever)
1. Lauren.
2. Mom.
3. Kenzie.
4. Grandma
5. My other close friends
Four things you're wearing right now.
1. Jeans
2. Tank top
3. Sweater thing.
4. Toms
Three songs that you listen to often.
1. Guns of Brixton - The Clash
2. Slow Dancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer
3. Anything by Lady Gaga or Adam Lambert.
Two things you want to do before you die.
1. Travel the World
2. Skydive
One confession.
1. I say I regret nothing, but I do. About two things in life.
I love you, and who you are. And if I were a guy in a black hat, I would fall in love with you.
P.S. I am stealing this from you tonight.
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