Sunday, January 9, 2011

Excuse me?!

Post Secret is usually the first website besides Facebook that I check on Sunday mornings.  I usually really enjoy reading the secrets people send in.  Well, today, there was one I was not very happy with...

Who is this person to judge people by the shoes that they wear?  If this person ever met me between the months of March and November, they would automatically not like me due to the fact that I am hardly ever seen NOT in TOMS during those months.  And the fact that they say "kind of people".  What? you hate the "kind of people" that like to give back and help those less fortunate?  Yeah, that is really the kind of people you should hate.

I would understand it more if the secret read "I really hate the look of TOMS".  That would be more understandable because most people have never heard of or see the Alpargata before and when they do, they think it looks funny.  

This secret just really irks me.  Most people do not have the guts, time or money to start what Blake did back in 2006.  He saw there was a problem in Argentina and other places in the world and took a stand and did something about it.  He decided he alone could not solve a world wide problem, so why not get the whole world a part of it to help solve it.

Buying one pair of shoes gives a child in need a pair of shoes.  yes, the shoes tend to run on the pricey side, Classics being $44, but its like buying two pairs of shoes.  Each being $22 dollars.  

If someone really hates people because they chose to wear a style or brand of shoe that they do not like, I think that person needs some serious help.  

TOMS are here, and they are going to be around for a while.  I hope this person gets a lot of negative feedback for their secret.  While they are sitting at home hating those of us who support and wear TOMS, we are the ones helping change the world and put the shoes on children's feet so they can have a better life.

Hate all you want haters.

I am an owner of 7 pairs and

I'm proud to wear my TOMS.    

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