Friday, April 1, 2011

UNI-STAND for Peace

Last night I had the great pleasure of meeting two really great guys.  Kambale and Claude are two of the most inspirational and amazing guys I have met in a long time.  Claude gave his personal testimony of surviving the Rwandan Genocide in 1994.  Kambale spoke about the raging war in Congo and what we can do to help stop this war.  There was so much information given during the 2 hours it was so hard to wrap my head around.  All I know is I need to do something.  

One of my favorite quotes from the night was: "When you're aware, you'll care.  When you care, you'll do something"

If you did not have the chance to come out to this event, sucks for you :)
Here is a short clip of the speech though.

Some interesting facts:
- Congo has enough resources to equal $24 trillion yet the people of Congo live on a dollar a day.
-  1.2 billion tons of fish die in the Congo reef a year due to pollution.
-  Congo has enough resource to have enough electricity for all of Africa, Europe and parts of the Middle East.
-  Mark Twain spoke up for Congo.
-  Congo soldiers fought int WWII on behalf of Europe to stop the Holocaust.
-  Cadbury (the chocolate maker) was a member of a Congo Association to stop the horrible wars in Congo.
-  Every known element on the periodic table is found in Congo.
-  There are over 200 ethnic groups in Congo.
-  In 1981 there was a colored t.v. shortage.  WHY? Because 65% of the worlds Cobalt comes from Congo and there was a strike for Cobalt by the Rebels.  
- 80% of the worlds Coltan is fond in Congo.  Therefore, Dick Chaney has a piece of Congo in his heart. (his pace-maker if you don't get it)

I am so excited to keep in touch with these guys and have them help STAND as much as they can.  
Feel free to join our Facebook group, STAND-UNI Chapter.  B and K are great at getting messages out to let people know what is happening with our group so JOIN!!!

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