Saturday, May 28, 2011

4 months

Four months from now I turn 23. (well 4 months and 2 days)
I will be done with my first month of my last semester of college classes.
I will be one step closer to knowing what school I teach in come January 2012.

Dear Next Four Months,

Please go slow.  I want to enjoy the summer and the amazingness that lies ahead of me before September 30th comes.  

Thank you,

Thursday, May 26, 2011

4 years

I graduated four years ago.  I have also had this blog four years.  Wow, so much has happened.  I have grown so much since I was 18.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I have not forgotten about you blogspot, I have just been very busy.

My two night stay at home turned into a whole week.

Found out I have Nutcracker Esophagus.  Basically I get extremely sharp pains in my esophagus.  Not fun to have.

I got to see my favorite boy, Jon.  And my amazing friend Gabe.  Those two.  They are the best and yet I seem them the least.

My little Lauren turned the big 2-1.  We had a blast celebrating with her momma, my momma, and Missy at La Cabana.  It was the perfect night to sit outside and enjoy the festivities.

aanndd  in two days I leave for Kansas City for 4 days to see my lovely roommate!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Roommate Wisdom

I don't know where she found this...but I love it.

In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, the relationships we were afraid to have & the decisions we waited too long to make.

Day 16, 17, 18:

A Song You Used to Love But Now Hate:

D.E.A.D.R.A.M.O.N.E.S.  by Modern LIfe Is War
Osirus  by The Beat Strings
Miss Lady  by The Beat Strings
All-Star Me  by Saves the Day

I don't really HATE these songs.  But anyone that knows me.  And I mean REALLY knows me, so that means Lauren, will see the connection between all the songs.

A Song That You Hear Often On The Radio

Uh, I honestly do not listen to the radio.  Like ever.  So I have no idea what they play on there but I am sure I can guess.....

Katy Perry
Bruno Mars
Britney Spears
Black Eyes Peas

A Song You Wish You Heard On the Radio

look at previous one....i'm content with not listening to the radio.  Therefore I do not need to wish anyone to be played on it.


Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?  Why?
Life is hard.
Why? Why?  Why?  Why?
Seriously life should come with an instruction manual on how to handle things that life throws at you.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 15:

A Song That Describes You:

It's My Life  by Bon Jovi
Thing I Never Needed  by Grace Potter & The Nocturnals 
Gonna Get Along Without You Now  by She & Him
I Don't Want To Die (In A Hospital)  by Conor Oberst
Secret Oath  by The Spill Canvas
Map of the World  by Monsters of Folk

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This Is Love This Is Life

I have always been a closet Bon Jovi fan.  Like a really big fan actually.  If you can make music for 28 years and always top yourself...well that deserves some recognition.

Anyway I got to see them!  The story goes as follows:

Missy and Kerri = Biggest Bon Jovi fans ever.  They bought tickets a long time ago for the show.  14th row.

Day of Show:
My mom calls..."Would you like to go to Bon Jovi tonight?"  
Me:  "Of course.  Aren't they sold out though?"
Mom:  "Missy and Kerri might be getting pit tickets.  We can have theirs if they get them."
Me:  "Oh. My. Gosh!!!  Yes!!! Lets do it"
Mom:  "Its not final yet.  I will keep you updated"
an hour later I get a text....
"We are going!!!!!!!!!!!!  Be here at 3!!!"

Sooooo after being back in Cedar Falls for only 15 hours, I drive all the way back home for the show.

The Show:
I really can not explain how amazing it was.  They put on probably the best concert/show I have ever been too.  It was amazing beyond belief.  I have never seen a sold out crowd like that before.  It was amazing to witness from the floor.  

Song list (that I can remember)  Not in order:
Livin On A Prayer
You Give Love A Bad Name
It's My Life
Have A Nice Day
Wanted Dead or Alive
Bad Medicine
We Weren't Born to Follow
I'll Be There For You
Lay Your Hands On Me
Run Away
Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
Lost Highway
Bed of Roses
Make A Memory
Who Says You Can't Go Home
Old Time Rock & Roll

I know I am missing some (KENZIE HELP ME OUT!  WHAT SONGS AM I MISSING?!).  They played 2 1/2 hours.  With no break or opening act.  A-maz-ig.

I really hope that they continue making music.  For like another 20 years so that I can take my daughter or son to see them.  They are the definition of rock gods in my book.
I am definitely glad I got to see them with my mom.  It made it all that much better.
It was so cool to see all the men that were there rockin out just as hard as the women.

Get ready for a picture overloaddddd:

This is the closest I got to Richie Sambora.  All the best of luck to him in rehab.

So apparently there was a dude working in the office behind this picture.  I did not realize this until after I took it.  He probably thought I was flipping him off.  I'm always so classy.

14th Row, baby!

6th row in the pit when he was on the main stage.  1st row when he was out on the little circle thingy.  Lucky, lucky girls.

I would just like to point out his....

Bed of Roses was/is the sexiest song I have EVER seen/heard performed.  Oh. My. Gosh.

"You can keep your Justin Bieber and your Minaji whatever the hell her name is.  Plug in some AC/DC and lets go!" - Jon Bon Jovi.    Priceless!!

This song has been my anthem since the day it hit the air.  The first strum of the guitar and tears started to form in my eyes.  The second Jon started singing, I lost it.  This is all I got of the song.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)

For real. Super good message.
I wanted to find the one that is the 2007 mix from the Romeo & Juliet soundtrack due to the fact that I graduated in 2007. Buuut no such luck.
But really, listen to it.

Day 14:

A Song That No One Would Expect You To Love:

isn't that kind of what a guilty pleasure is?

Young  by Kenny Chesney 
Weed With Willie  by Toby Keith
Chattahoochee  by Allan Jackson

When you are raised on country, there will always be a little piece inside your heart that melts when you hear the songs you sang at the top of your lungs when you were younger.

Workin Out Barbie

Okay more like Workin Out Jillian Michaels.
Oh. My. Goodness.
All I want to do is get in shape.  I really don't even care if I lose weight. I just want to get a little more tone in mah body.
My abs hurt.  My butt hurts.  My arms are still sore from Bon Jovi and now are even more sore.

I need a workout buddy that will not laugh at me when I yell at Jillian because I can't do her stupid exercise like she does and as fast as she does.

Jack and Sally


Friday, May 13, 2011

Dope Life of Madjo is Leavin'.

This was uploaded exactly 2 years and 1 day ago.
We used to have so much free time and live within blocks of each other that we could make killer music videos.
It will hopefully happen again less than a month soon.

Day 13:

A Song That Is A Guilty Pleasure:

I Must Be Dreaming  by The Maine 
and then there is...
Silver Bullet  by Hawthorne Heights 
Lady In A Blue Dress  by Senses Fail
A Boy Brushed Red  by Underaoth
because i just cant give up some of my high school loves

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This Book. This Boy.

Read this book.  Just do it.  It is a heart-wrenching, dark, in your face, full of truths and hard to read but even harder to put down book.  I read it in two days flat.  I have never read a book that has made me cry as much as this book did.  There were times I found my self talking to Nic while reading as if I were right there with him.  I was trying to help him, stop him and comfort him.  I felt as if I were part of his family and he was tearing apart this great friendship we once had and all I could do was stand by and watch him ruin his life.  
Gahhhh it's so good.  His fathers story of Nic going down the road of drugs is called Beautiful Boy.  It was at the top of my favorite book list but it is now second with Nic's now in first.   Read it as well!

Nic is definitely a beautiful boy. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 12:

A Song From A Band You Hate:

Baby by Justin Bieber
Mine  by Taylor Swift
any song by All Time Low, Forever The Sickest Kids, and pretty much any other song by any other scene band on this planet 

Home Is Where The Heart Is.

I spent the whole weekend with my mamma.
Today I spent the whole day with my mamma and my grandma.

Although I enjoyed being home, and I adore my mother and father, I am so ready to go back to my own place.
I need my privacy.  I need my own bathroom.  I need....I need....I need to be my grown up self.

Next Spring Semester will be interesting since I have to move back home to student teach.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I had not been on my computer since Friday.  I did not even touch it for almost three whole days.  Then today I had to because my summer class began.

I realized how awesome it is to not be attached to my computer all the time.  I was really enjoying reading and spending time with my mamma rather than being glued to facebook, blogspot, twitter and tumblr.  Ugh but now I am back.

So my Online class started today.  I have things due every Tuesday, Thursday and SATURDAY for the next month.  Saturday?  Really?  Is she insane?  I don't do homework during the regular school year on Saturdays let alone during the freaking summer.  WTF man?   My plan is to get everything done by Wednesday each week though.  I doubt that will happen though and I will spend some great SATURDAYS during May doing homework rather than having fun my last summer before the real world hits.

Day 11:

A Song From Your Favorite Band:


Great Divide  by Hanson
Easy/Lucky/Free  by Bright Eyes
Bound to Happen  by The Spill Canvas
London Calling  by The Clash
My Way  by Frank Sinatra
Chicago is So Two Years Ago  by Fall Out Boy
Body Language  by Jesse McCartney

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 10:

A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep:

I don't know if I should choose one that is so lame and slow that it puts me to sleep or one that I love to fall asleep to at night.  I will go with the latter.

Lover I Don't Have To Love by Bright Eyes
Easy/Lucky/Free by Bright Eyes
Get-Well-Cards by Conor Oberst
or really any Bright Eyes/Conor Oberst tune is great to calm me down after a long day.

Come Pick Me Up by Ryan Adams
Smile When You Call Me That by Jakob Dylan
Nightfall by Robert Francis

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Grad School

Although I have 3 years before I can even apply for grad school (that is if I get a job right away next fall) I am looking deeply into going.

I want to go to Grad School for School Counseling K-12.  Its a 60 hour program or 2 years.  It also requires an internship of 750 hours. So a 2 1/2 to 3 year program.

And by the time I go, I'm sure it will be around 8,000 a year for a grad program.


If I am to do this.  I will not be done with school until I am 28 or 29 and a couple grand in debt.

Gahhh!  Growing up and doing something awesome with your life takes way longer and much more money than I ever thought it would when I was little.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 9:

A Song You Can Dance To:

oh boy, I can honestly dance to any song out there.  There are no limits.  I guess having a 10 year dance background I am able to do that.
Buuuuut songs that have been jammin through my speakers that I love to dance to lately are...

Shake by Jesse McCartney
Body Language by Jesse McCartney
Chillin' by Wale feat. Lady GaGa
You're A God by Vertical Horizon
Steppin Up by M.I.A

(most of these are my 'summer' songs.  i am  in the mood for summer to get here)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 8:

A Song You Know All The Words To:

MmmBop - Hanson

Me to a T:

This is why I forbid to tell anyone what I want to name my children.  The 5 or 6 boy names I want will remain secret as will the 5 or 6 names for girls.  

Monday, May 2, 2011

I have

A final over this many pages (400) in about 35 minutes.  Oh what joy!

I.  Hate.  Finals.  Week.

Day 7:

A Song That Reminds You of a Certain Event:

Lady Marmalade by Pink, Christina Agulaira, Lil Kim and whoever else sings it
Lorelei by Eagle Eye Cherry
Dancing Queen by ABBA
Roots Rock Reggae by Bob Marley

These songs will always remind me of the cruise I went on in 2007 with some awesome ladies.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 6:

A Song That Reminds You of Somewhere:

Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash

Damn you practice space.
(i know this was lauren's too.  if only people knew)


One of the most hated men in the world is finally dead.

Osama Bin Laden is done.

Thank God, it's about time!!!