Monday, May 9, 2011


I had not been on my computer since Friday.  I did not even touch it for almost three whole days.  Then today I had to because my summer class began.

I realized how awesome it is to not be attached to my computer all the time.  I was really enjoying reading and spending time with my mamma rather than being glued to facebook, blogspot, twitter and tumblr.  Ugh but now I am back.

So my Online class started today.  I have things due every Tuesday, Thursday and SATURDAY for the next month.  Saturday?  Really?  Is she insane?  I don't do homework during the regular school year on Saturdays let alone during the freaking summer.  WTF man?   My plan is to get everything done by Wednesday each week though.  I doubt that will happen though and I will spend some great SATURDAYS during May doing homework rather than having fun my last summer before the real world hits.

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