Thursday, September 29, 2011

Danny O'Donoghue

This man.
I could listen to him sing for hours.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Everyone has that one friend that always pisses you off but no matter how fucking mad you are at them, you can never ACTUALLY be that mad at them for long because as soon as they open their mouth again, you forgive them and love them just the same as always.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Deep breath.

So after the last two classes of my Schools in American Society, I have figured out that about 10 out of the 13 females hate me.  Why?!  Because I am willing to stand up for myself and say things how I say them.  I am not one to make everything sounds awesome just for the teacher.  I am going to say how I feel about a topic because that is what the class is about.

Last weeks topic was uniforms.
I was asked by the teacher my opinion on uniforms and if I would have liked them when I was in school.
I expressed how I do not like uniforms because one can not express them self freely.  I went on to explain that in high school I expressed who I was greatly through the choices of clothing that I put on in the morning.  -Band tee, skinny jeans, converse, bracelets, bows in my hair and a sideways belt.  
I went on to say that if I had not been able to dress like that, I honestly think I would be a somewhat of a different person now because I would not have had the freedom to wear that.  Now, thankfully the girl next to me and the boy next to me love me and we all are super open minded and get along well.  They totally agreed with me.
The rest of the girls in the class thought I was some sort of freak because I expressed myself through clothing.  One snot who went to a private school who wore uniforms through 8th grade, then attended a public school 9th and up looked directly at me with a death glare and said "Umm I NEVER expressed or even now express myself through my clothes.  I wore sweats every day because I was comfortable in them. I don't see how you express yourself through your clothes.  Uniforms are a good idea."  And of course her snotty little prissy looking friends next to her were glaring at me and then all smiled at her after her dumb comment.

Example 2:
Today's topic- Public vs Private Education
I was asked by the teacher to say something interesting that I found in my article.  I proceeded to tell the class that I found out that Private schools can reject a student who has special needs.  Private schools do not have special education teachers.  I was then asked how I felt about this.  I explained that I thought it was discrimination and that no child, I don't care what school it is, should not be turned away from education.  I then went on to say I know that Private schools do not get government money to pay special ed teachers but I think that every school should still have special education teachers.
Wellllllll the snot from the previous example, her BFF, of course had a comment for me.  Her comment was that private schools should not have special education teachers because it costs too much money and private schools do not have the kind of money to pay them and special education students should be public schools anyway.  What really pissed me off about this....the girl is a freaking SPECIAL ED major.  I'm so glad that she thinks her future students do not have the right to go to private schools and that they are only meant for public schools.
Tttthhheeeennnn some other girl had to throw her 2 cents in and comment about something else that just pissed me off and made me look like I was stupid for standing up for special education students.

Lets just say, its a good thing Tyler sits next to me and can calm me down cause I was on the edge of my freaking seat.

Okay S, deep breath.

End rant...until Thursday when I'm bound to get ganged up on again!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

I can thank Miss L for putting me in a Good Charlotte mood.
These boys used to be my life.  I ate, slept and breathed Good Charlotte. Umm ate? that sounds weird. Anyway, my whole existence was based around them for quite some time.
To this day I can not help but smile, dance and sing every word when I hear an old GC song.

This song brings me back to 8th grade track.  The album dropped that year and Cassandra and I were listening to it for the first time on the bus when this song came on and we hear "Shake 3 times you're playing with your self" and we both looked at each other and giggled like a couple of immature 8th grade girls would do.  Ohh to be young again.


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Umm, okay?

Dear Genius,
 Usually when I play a song and click on you, you play a great mix of songs that deal with the artist I chose.  Not sure how ANY of these artists go with Justin Timberlake and/or SexyBack.  Please get back to being awesome like old times.



First Thursday in about 2 months that I have not had to work and what am I doing?!
Sitting at home watching The Big Bang Theory by myself because my best friend is back home, my roommate is working, and the boy is at a concert.

If you look super close you can see Penny in my glasses! ha!

I have a sweet San Fran cup.  Thank you Target.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I think it may be a problem when I:
-can quote about 95% of the movie
-have to have it on to go to sleep every night
-not switch the channel when it is playing on regular tv
and yet never ever tire of it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cedar Falls

You never fail me.  I will miss you in a few months!!
I apparently think it is okay to associate myself with these kind of people at times.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Its was a good night when you wake up at 8 am with raccoon eyes, a zit, crazy hair and not hungover after too many drinks from the night before!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Why is it that boys fall in love with girls so easily?  I used to think it was all the girls fault.  As I grew up, I always thought it was the girls that fell in love to fast, got attached too fast and professed their love before the time was right.  However, living through a few different relationships, I have realized its not always the girls' fault.  Most of the time it is actually the dudes who are being a little to over obsessive.  From what I have noticed, the boys fall in love far too fast.  They also become too clingy after the first date.

Some girls need their girl time.  Some girls need their own time.  Sometimes, girls do not like to be touched and groped in public.  If you are not public about your relationship but know between the two of you that you are together, that should be enough.  There is no need to show the whole world what you already know you are.  Be comfortable in your trust with one another.

Blahhhhhh.  This just drives me nuts.

AAANNNNDDD on another note.  If a girl made out with you once...that does not mean she is going to again.  Drunken mistakes happen.  Do not expect it all the time.  College is a time for fun adventures.  Deal with it.  If you see each other in the bar, say hello...maybe even chill but do not act like you need to get with her.  Chances are, she will realize you are not really as cute as you were when she was Level 10 and see you as a mistake she made and then blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I spy

with my little eye something I'm not fond of.

Super Fun Fact:

I almost bought this tank top this summer at Zumies.  Z and I could have been twinkies.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Its been a good day so far and its only 11:30.
Student teaching interview went amazing.  Its beyond gorgeous outside.  I don't have to close at work tonight.  And I get to see people that I adore later. Yup yup.

Since I've been missing for awhile and you may have forgotten what I look like.  Here are some reminders. ha!

thanks Gabe :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Science & Faith

"I tried pushing evolution as the obvious conclusion of the start.  But it was for my own amusement saying Love was an illusion of a hopeless heart."

Sometimes I feel as if The Script tapped into my life and then wrote about it.  This song has been on repeat all morning.