Wednesday, January 30, 2008

the last one.

haha, i wasted three months of my life on him. what was i thinking? i just couldn't see past those stupid games he played. "i love you sarah. i want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you, i hope you know that" hahaha it just makes me laugh now. was i really that stupid? how did i possibly believe for a second he meant what he was saying. there is a part of me that hopes he makes it pro in baseball, but there is also a part of me that hopes he fails. i hope he fails and is nothing. its horrible for me to say, but i want him to fail so i can laugh at him. make him go through pain of losing something that meant a great deal to him. buuuut i doubt that will happen. he will probably make it big, make millions of dollars for throwing a baseball, have three wives and six kids, yet still feel sorry for himself, cause that is just who he is or will be.

i am so sick of thinking and writing about him. i really hope this is my last post about him.

1 comment:

Lauren. said...

You'll make yourself sick when you waste time writing about him.

But it'll make you just as sick when you decide to stop writing about him.