All good things must come to an end, or so I have been told. And experienced for that matter. Seems all good things that happen in life come for a short time then fade away like the color of leaves in the fall. Why is it, something good can't last forever? Cause let's face it, it never does. You can pretend all you want that whatever it is you have that is wonderful will last forever. However we all get sick of things or they leave or change and are never the same as what they once were. Love, it is said to be amazing when you first find it, and then for sometime after as well. Soon enough though, love fades, people change and the once wonderful connection between two people is no longer the same. Best friends, they come and go more often then some of my friends take showers. People go through ten best friends by the time they hit middle school and then throughout high school and college they have another couple best friends. Their best friend whom they called a sister will most likely change and no longer be the coolest person they know. Music, it amazing. It always will be, but it also changes and your favorite band will soon change too. A band will break up, or "sell out" and they won't be in your Top 5 bands anymore. They will be pushed to the back of the shelf where they will become dusty. You may get sick of the genre you were so dedicated too and have to switch to another one. The car you drive, the house you own, they shoes you wear. They are all wonderful at the time you buy them, but they soon get old, rusty and out of style and they are no longer something good. I am determined to find something that will be wonderful, good, and amazing for the rest of my existence. I believe it would be the coolest thing ever.
Things in my life that ended to soon or don't last long enough:Being Able To Hang Out With Both of Them At The Same Time

Going To Shows Every Weekend

Being 16 and Clueless

Days Like This

Having Christina As My Twin

Roadtrips With My Best Friend

Summer Loves

Countless Hours At The Secret Shop

Nights In Marshalltown

Summertime Chillin At Red Rock

Crushes On Stupid Boys

High School Memories Such As Prom

Hanging Out With Anton All The Time


Being Best Friends With Mike

Being Carefee and Young.
1 comment:
This almost made me cry.
Five points:
1. I miss these days a lot.
2. I wish Kenzie could be around me. I'll never understand what the problem was/is.
3. I miss Michael a lot right now.
4. I wish we could go back to the first MLIW show.
5. I'm glad spring is here so we can go to our Secret Shop again.
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