Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The sun rises in the east.

Right now, the east coast has my name written all over it. New Jersey and New York sound about right. The Atlantic wants me to walk its shores and watch the sun rise over them. Freedom is calling my name. For just a week even. It must happen. The east coast knows I need to see what else is out there in this world besides rows of corn and snow. It knows I am at the point in life where I just want to live freely and have a lot of adventures. I know I want to live on the West coast but the East is what is calling me right now. I will go. I am determined. There is nothing that is going to keep me from exploring this dream of mine.

1 comment:

Lauren. said...

We will be there soon. I don't know the number of months, weeks, days, or hours, but soon we will be there.

And by the way, this was beautifully written.