Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My fear came true.

Lauren and I were just talking the other night about how we really don't like sirens. Sirens are never good, they always mean bad things. I told someone I hoped I never have to dial 9-1-1 in my life because it would be so scary. Well... I had to dial and the sirens were in my driveway.

Dialing the numbers 9-1-1 is one of the scariest things I have ever had to do. I knew I needed to though. I went through something much more serious then this last summer with my dad, all those thoughts came flooding back when I saw him laying on the floor saying he blacked out and couldn't stand up. I thought it was going to happen all over, I thought I was going to almost loose him for the second time in less then a year. The big man up above is really looking out for him though. I just wish he would look out for him a little better.

After all of this, my brother sent me a text telling me how proud he was of me and that he loved me. For my brother to tell me he loved me meant a great deal to me. I know he cares and loves me and I with him. We just don't show it much. For him to say this...it really touched me.

1 comment:

Lauren. said...

It shows how mature you are for handling the situation the way you did though. Thank God you were there.