Tuesday, June 10, 2008

First to say goodbye, last one to regret it.

I hate how I still get butterflies when he smiles and winks at me.
I hate how I still long for his strong arms to wrap around me.
I hate how I still want that dream of following him on the road when he makes it big.
I hate how I still have all these feeling for these boys that I am not with or don't want to be with.
I want to blame everything on them, I want to say they single handily destroyed everything we were and everything we were to become.
I can't though because it takes two to tango.
But they were the first to say hello and the last to say goodbye.
I was the last to say hello and the first to give up and say goodbye.
Its like a movie we have seen a million times.
They are making new friends and getting by while I am sitting here remaining the same.
I am here regretting I ever gave up and said goodbye to any of them.
I guess the moral this time is you'll never get what you want if you say goodbye first.

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