Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Chemical Romance vs. Bob Dylan.

It's bad enough they are still pale as ever and that they wear black and red ALLLL the time. It's bad enough they started to suck after Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. It's a sad thing to say that people still think they are good. It's a sad thing every single song they play sounds just like the one right before hand. The worst thing about them they covered and ruined a Bob Dylan song. If you haven't heard their cover, don't listen to it, especially if you like the original. If you don't know what song it is, good, I'm not going to tell you.


Lauren. said...

I saw an ad for this horrible thing somewhere, and couldn't decide if I should listen to it or not, and since I already really hate them, I decided not to listen to it.

Sarah said...

It was horrible. It made me want to cry becuase it hurt my ears. haha.