Thursday, February 26, 2009

There was a time I followed my heart...

These are just a few of the times and people I miss.

Liz Me and Lauren at Clay Aiken

Wandering around Wal-Mart with Kenzie

Trick-or-Treating with Christina

DPC Fo' Lyfe

Spending May Day at Michael's

Doing Matt's hair in the hallway

Teaching my favorite class I have ever helped with

Driving in a bad thunder storm while taking pictures with JD

Going to lame ass prom with my best friends

Seeing John, all the time

Taking ridiculous pictures with Sydney

In general...Jon

Summer storms and running around in the rain like we are 12

Being immature at work while the boys skateboard

All of us actually old times

Cheering with Em and Kylie

AAANNNDDD lastly I miss summer road trips with my best friend ever

This was more then a few...I got carried away. I don't really care though.


Lauren. said...

I just almost cried.

I love you, I love you, I love you!

Sarah said...

I love you toooooo!!!!!!!!!!!