Thursday, June 25, 2009

It was only AP.

I am supposed to be sleeping right now. I have a big and exciting day ahead of me tomorrow, but I can not sleep. Not now anyways.
For anyone that knows me, they know I am a dear fan of The Beat Strings. I have been since the day I heard them four long years ago. Adam has this very distinct voice that is unique and draws you in from the first word. Some people have compared him to Robert Smith of The Cure. This, I guess does not sit well with Adam. A recent blog wrote by him stated he is changing is voice due to the recent c.d. review done in the Alternative Press Magazine. In the review the author states that Adam sounds like Robert, yet it works.
I do not get why he would want to change his voice. It is what makes The Beat Strings the freaking Beat Strings.
Plus, the article was in AP. Not to be rude, but whoever writes the reviews for them sometimes seriously have no idea what they are talking about. They will give All Time Low or some shit band like that an amazing review and a great band Bright Eyes a bad review (those are just examples to get my point across). So really, this AP article should not have effected him. His voice has gotten them through 5 or more years of great music. Why change?

Sorry for this long rant, but I just don't get it.
I have been to many of your shows boys, had some great nights with you.
Please do not change...your music.

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