Friday, January 23, 2009

I have no witty title for this.

Our moms taught us as young children to be nice to everyone. Because of that, we have really big hearts for people we let into them. We are sick of it though. You, for example. We have held your hand and laid with you when you were down about your Oh-So-Shitty life. We have been there when you were ready for a heart to heart about what you want out of life. We have had those conversations with you that almost bring tears to our eyes because we see your real pain. Not the fake pain you sometimes put on for people. We have been there for the past 3 years, never failing as a friend. We told you we would always be there, and we have been. You needed us, we was there. Notice though, you have never rarely been there for us. All our conversations revolve around you. You have told us time and time again that you will always be there for us no matter what and that you are not going anywhere. I needed you once, she also needed you, you didn't answer our phone call or text. In fact, you never answer us anymore. Being there for someone means you physically have to be there. I'm sick of both of us being there for everyone and in return getting shut out of their lives completely .


Lauren. said...

This made me sad. I almost cried. Because I'm so sick of being there and getting nothing in return from most.

What will I do when you're gone?!

Sarah said...

you will call me every night and come visit me every weekend that i do not come home!!!

Lauren. said...

Hahaha, okayy!